Repair V
RepairV2. 9. 1. 1County of Hawaii PW New Building Code. PUBLIC WORKS NEW BUILDING CODE IN EFFECT MARCH 2. Administration Automotive Building Engineering Highway Maintenance Traffic. On March 2. 8, 2. PDF in the Hawaii County Code, is in effect. Printed copies are available at the Hawaii County Clerks office for 5. BUILDING VALUATION DATASTATE APPROVED BUILDING CODEHAWAII WIND MAP PDF, 2. MBPLAN REVIEWPERMIT APPLICATIONSChapter 5 BUILDINGArticle 1. Repair V' title='Repair V' />General Provisions. Section 5 1. Title and purpose. This chapter shall be known as the building code, may be cited as such, and will be referred to herein as this code. The purpose of this code is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of all buildings and structures within this jurisdiction and certain equipment specifically regulated herein. Ord. No. 1. 2 2. BACK TO TOPSection 5 2. Scope. The provisions of this code shall apply to the construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy,location, maintenance, removal and demolition of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or attached to such buildings or structures within the County inland of the shoreline high water line, except work located primarily in a public way, public utility towers, bridges, and poles, mechanical equipment not specifically regulated in this code, and hydraulic flood control structures. Ord. No. 1. 2 2. Section 52. Datamine Studio Tutorial Pdf. Scope. The provisions of this code shall apply to the construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy. BACK TO TOPSection 5 3. International Building Code adopted. The International Building Code, 2. Edition as copyrighted and published in 2. International Code Council, Incorporated, as it is adopted and amended by Chapter 1. Title 3, of the Hawaii Administrative Rules entitled State Building Code the HAR, as such chapter may be amended or superseded from time to time, the IBC is hereby adopted by reference as set forth in this chapter, subject to the amendments set forth in article 3 and article 4 of this chapter. Jason Frederick Kidd born March 23, 1973 is an American basketball coach and former player. He is currently the head coach of the Milwaukee Bucks of the National. FORMALDEHYDE. This report contains the collective views of an international group of experts and does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of. Copies of the International Building Code, 2. Edition and amendments thereto shall be available for public inspection at the department of public works and the office of the county clerk. Chapter 1 of the IBC, relating to Administration, is hereby excluded from adoption and shall be of no force or effect, with the exception of 1 Section 1. Approved materials and equipment 2 Section 1. Industrial lab equipment Welding System Item Number Product Description Manufacturer Mfg Item Number. Kemba Hudley Walker born May 8, 1990 is an American professional basketball player for the Charlotte Hornets of the National Basketball Association NBA. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. The British Columbia Fire Code provides a set of minimum requirements respecting fire safety in existing buildings and within the community at large. Modifications and 3 Section 1. Alternative materials, design and methods of construction and equipment. The appendices to the IBC shall not apply unless specifically adopted by Chapter 1. Hawaii Administrative Rules or by this chapter, as provided in article 4 of this chapter. Appendices of the IBC adopted, as provided in article 4, division 1 of this chapter A Appendix C, Group U Agricultural Buildings and B Appendix I, Patio Covers. Appendices added to the IBC, as provided in article 4, division 2 of this chapter A Appendix L, Factory Built Housing B Appendix M, Thatch Material on Exterior of Buildings Protection Against Exposure Fires C Appendix U, Hawaii Hurricane Sheltering Provisions for New Construction PDF D Appendix W, Hawaii Wind Design Provisions for New Constructions PDF and E Appendix X, Indigenous Hawaiian Architecture Structures PDF. Ord. No. 1. 2 2. BACK TO TOPSection 5 4. Definitions. As used in this code, unless otherwise specified Administrative Authority means the director of the department of public works, or the directors authorized representatives. Assistant means the authorized representatives of the administrative authority. Owner builder means owners or lessees of property who build or improve structures on their property for their own use, or for use by their immediate family. This definition shall not preempt owner builder by exemption as defined by section 4. Hawaii Revised Statutes. Ord. No. 1. 2 2. BACK TO TOPSection 5 5. Reference to the State of Hawaii Building Code Title 3, Chapter 1. Hawaii Administrative Rules, International Building Code conflicting provisions. If any provisions of this code conflict with or contravene provisions of the State of Hawaii Building Code that have been incorporated by reference, the provisions of this code shall prevail as to all matters and questions arising out of the subject matter of that provision. Ord. No. 1. 2 2. BACK TO TOPSection 5 6. Existing structures. Buildings in existence at the time of the adoption of this code may have their existing use or occupancy continued if such use or occupancy was legal at the time of the adoption of this code, provided such continued uses do not constitute a hazard to the general safety and welfare of the occupants and the public. Poser 8 Figures For Pivot more. Additions, Alterations and Repairs. When additions, alterations or repairs within any twelve month period exceeds fifty percent of the replacement value of an existing building or structure, such building or structure shall be made to conform to the requirements for new buildings or structures. Additions, alterations and repairs not exceeding fifty percent of the replacement value of an existing building or structure and complying with the requirements for new buildings or structures may be made to such building or structure within any twelve month period without making the entire building or structure comply. The new construction shall conform to the requirements of this code for new building of like area, height and occupancy. Such building or structure, including new additions, shall not exceed the areas and heights specified in this code. Alterations or repairs, not exceeding twenty five percent of the value of an existing building or structure, which are non structural and do not affect any member or part of the building or structure having required fire resistance, may be made with the same materials of which the building or structure is constructed. Exceptions A The installation or replacement of glass in hazardous locations, as specified in Section 2. B Without limitation to the prescribed percentages, the building official may require reengineering analysis, documentation or inspections to assure the structural integrity or safety of the existing structure. Ord. No. 1. 2 2. BACK TO TOPSection 5 7. Reserved. 2. 01. 2, Ord. No. 1. 2 2. 7, sec. Section 5 8. Reserved. Ord. No. 1. 2 2. Section 5 9. Reserved. 2. Ord. No. 1. 2 2. Article 2. Administration and Enforcement. Division 1. Administration. Section 5 1. 0. Department having jurisdiction. Unless otherwise provided for by law, the department of public works shall have jurisdiction over and administer all matters covered by this code. Ord. No. 1. 2 2. BACK TO TOPSection 5 1. Duties of the Administrative Authority. The administrative authority shall maintain public office hours necessary to efficiently administer the provisions of this code and amendments thereto and shall perform the following duties 1 Shall enforce the provisions of this code and shall have authority to render interpretations of this code and to adopt policies and procedures in order to clarify the application of its provisions. Such interpretations, policies and procedures shall be in compliance with the intent and purpose of this code.